State needs higher than normal rainfall to end drought

By Vicky Boyd San Joaquin County water leaders say it will take more than a few wet fronts to erase the deficit caused by the past two years of below-average […]
Grapevines are hardy but the drought concerns many growers
By Craig W. Anderson The current drought is causing real concerns up and down the Central Valley just as it has for nearly two years in the absence of significant […]
State absent on water storage
By David Strecker, SJFB President Just a few years ago, California faced a several-year drought that led to many of the most senior water right holders in the state losing […]
State cutting off water supply to thousands of farmers
By Vicky Boyd As part of a state drought emergency, the State Water Board has begun steps to halt water diversions by about 4,300 junior water rights holders within the […]
New resource tool helps ranchers with drought decisions
By Craig W. Anderson With the arrival of latest moderate to exceptional drought, the University of California Cooperative Extension has notified ranchers of a new drought decision – support tool […]
Drought declaration includes funding, but not for storage
By Vicky Boyd San Joaquin Farm Bureau President David Strecker doesn’t need the governor declaring a drought to know how dry the state is and how meager runoff is. He […]
Growers warned about potential water shortages
By Vicky Boyd The California Water Resources Control Board in a March 22 letter warned roughly 40,000 water rights holders of potential water shortages this summer due to continued dry […]
2021 starts with low rain totals and cold scare

By Vicky Boyd Recent storms may have added a bit to the Sierra snowpack, but they did little to make a dent in the prolonged drought. At the same time, […]
SJ County issued drought designation

By Vicky Boyd San Joaquin County is among 22 counties in the state that the U.S. Department of Agriculture declared primary natural disaster areas June 16, providing producers and […]
Not a March Miracle but good enough

March of 2020 may not have hit the March Miracle level as far as rain was concerned but it was good enough to elicit optimism and enthusiasm from growers and […]