SJ County harvest outlook impacted by high input costs
By Craig W. Anderson As 2024 grinds to a finish, members of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau reflect on the nearly completed year of agriculture, looking into the past and

Detector dogs sniffs out ag contraband in packages
By Vicky Boyd A relatively new San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner Office employee, Waylon, has a nose for agricultural contraband and has been described as “one of the bestest ag

New SJFB officers outline issues facing ag at Annual Meeting
By Vicky Boyd Surrounded by reminders of years past, more than 200 members and guests celebrated the San Joaquin Farm Bureau’s 110th Annual Meeting recently at the San Joaquin County

Numerous days over 100 degrees creating challenges for 2024
By Vicky Boyd Faced with triple-digit temperatures for much of July, county agricultural producers scrambled to reduce heat stress and keep their crops, animals and workers safe. But some admitted

Almond report is good news for SJ County growers
By Craig W. Anderson The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimates the California almond crop to be 2.80 billion pounds which is a 7% decrease from May’s Subjective Forecast.

SJ County ag, FFA programs continue excellent education
By Craig W. Anderson California’s high schools are in the midst of a renaissance in career and technical education to prepare students with the skills needed to acquire high-wage jobs

Lockeford Grange has rebirth and looking to grow
By Vicky Boyd The National Grange harkens back to an era long before cell phones and social media when neighbors and families met to discuss the latest issues and possibly

Dairy production costs exceed revenue
By Vicky Boyd Although milk topped San Joaquin County’s 2022 agricultural crop report, today’s picture is far different as dairy prices have fallen significantly and production costs exceed revenue in