Hoping to have some normalcy soon!

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By David Strecker, SJFB President


I hope this past harvest season was bountiful to you and your family operations. I think we are all together in looking forward to the political election season as well as the entire year of 2020 coming to an end. This year’s election cycle at the local, state and federal level will significantly determine our future. Proposition 15 will have the most immediate impact to our daily lives.

San Joaquin Farm Bureau, as well as San Joaquin Farmers United, have worked hard to get the message out opposing Prop 15. Thank you to all who made contributions to Farmers United.  For not even being around for a full year, our board immediately engaged this year’s election. Proposition 15 created the need for us to create a new committee to fight at the state level.  Regardless of the outcome of this election, we are prepared to continue fighting for farmers and ranchers into the future.

Thank you to all who attended our first-ever Drive Thru Annual Meeting! COVID-19 has certainly turned the most simple things into a new adventure. What many in society perceived as fear in the beginning of the year has transpired into fatigue. This virus should definitely be taken seriously but the last seven months of our lives has been exhausting and I think we are all ready for some bit of normalcy in our lives. With our new board of directors in place, we will be looking at how San Joaquin Farm Bureau can bring us all together again. 

2020 has been full of surprises and the unknown seems to slap us in the face each day. One thing that didn’t change was bad people trying to rob us farmers and ranchers. Metal theft is always a problem and it is all to often I see the reports of equipment being stolen. Despite the sheriff’s department having to change the way they interact and conduct their daily investigations due to the pandemic, they have continuously been working to find and convict the bad guys. I heard of several stories this past harvest season where deputies were checking in and doing everything the could to help us live safe lives.

Law enforcement has gotten its fair share of bad publicity and wrong interpretations of what they do. My involvement with the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Department has always been pleasant. I have always gotten the impression that they want to help us to live prosperous, healthy, safe lives. To every man and woman who has ever served or is currently serving as a deputy, and to every person who has worked for the sheriff’s department in any capacity, thank you!!! You risk your lives everyday to make our lives better. Your sacrifices are very apparent and I wish we could show our gratitude more.

The New Year is just ahead of us. Let’s take what we have experienced this past year, and let’s strive to make the future better. As I have said multiple times this year, please do not hesitate to call the office with problems or questions regarding your operation. This election will set the tone for how we advocate for agriculture in the future. Let’s all hope we have the appropriate people and laws that allow us to grow and not be on the defensive anymore!