The State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) grant will be opening this Fall for applicants. SJFB will be a Technical Assistant again and will fill out the grant paperwork for you. SJFB will hold an informational workshop as soon as the State finalizes the grant application and announces the application period. If you are interested in applying for the SWEEP grant, please contact Amber now at amber@sjfb.org or (209) 470-1212 to start gathering required documents and data. An informational meeting is scheduled for Oct 26th at 10am. Register here to attend via zoom or in-person (limited).
Example Project Types
- Improved irrigation water management
- Soil, Weather, Plant Sensors
- Micro-irrigation
- Improved energy efficiency – Pump replacement or retrofit
- Fuel conversion – Including renewable energy installations
- Variable frequency drives
- Low pressure systems
- Reduced Pumping
- Other projects that combine water savings and GHG reductions
- Ag Management List
- New possible specific funding for Sub-surface drip irrigation to apply dairy effluent to field crops- irrigation system only ($2mill)
Grant Application
The grant application period will be first-come, first serve, so early collecting of a few specific items will be helpful in preparing and completing your application. Resources are located on the SWEEP Grant website. Reach out to Amber with questions or for help.
Basic Info required:
- Project Site location: APN(s) and address/nearest cross streets
- Current Irrigation System and Practice Description
- Pump Efficiency Test (within last 2 yrs) on current pumps (to calculate Water Saving and GHG Saving)
- Pump Specification Document for new pumps
- Utility bills or Fuel invoices/Pumping Logs (Diesel) for pumps for 12 consecutive months
- Proposed project price quotes
- Outline of irrigation schedule or Field operational logs for a year
- Cost Share Secured letter can be helpful for large projects