Welcome to the new SJFB!
Meeting Today’s Challenges...Planning For Tomorrow
Farmers get stuff done. We are here to advocate for your rights and represent you in San Joaquin County and the State of California. This website is updated regularly with news and information you need to know about. As a member, you’ll be notified about issues that affect all of us as soon as they happen. Plus, you’ll get access to discounts, webinars, newsletters, networking events, and more!
upcoming Event
2022 SJFB
Gun Raffle
Test your luck in our sponsored GUN RAFFLE!
Keep up with our weekly raffles with our community sponsors. Visit our calendar and sign up today! Want to become a sponsor? Contact us for more information.

Our Sponsors

Step Up Ag Members
Thank you to our Agricultural Members who have stepped up:
Current News & Top Ag Stories
State downsizes Sites Reservoir water-storage site
COVID-19 has huge impact on dairy industry
SJFB members get insurance
Vote no on Prop 15
Reject Prop 15 to maintain Prop 13 protections that have kept property taxes affordable and provided every taxpayer who buys a home, farm or business property with certainty that they can afford their property tax bills in the future. Now is not the time to raise taxes and bring more uncertainty to businesses and all Californians.

Covid19 Updates
San Joaquin Farm Bureau Office
In response to the Governor’s statewide shelter in place announcements on March 19th, the SJFB office will be closed until further notice.
All staff will be available via email and phone . Please be patient as staff will continue to be there working for agriculture.
The office telephone (290) 931-4931 will be forwarded to our Executive Director, Bruce Blodgett.
We will be utilizing our social media network to quickly send out updates and information. Please like the SJFB Facebook and Instagram pages
We can schedule an appointment if you need labor law posters/booklets or signs from our office.
If you are not receiving our Friday Review e-newsletter, please contact amber@sjfb.org to be added to this weekly email update.
SJFB is gathering information on growers/business who sell directly to the public/local stores so the public will be able to support the local growers and economy. SJFB Direct Sales Survey
San Joaquin Ag Commissioner’s Office
The San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office has received a supply of surgical, KN-95 equivalent, face masks from the California Department of Food and Agriculture following a County wide survey on personal protective equipment. We will be distributing these masks, free of charge, to members of the ag industry, which includes growers, pest control businesses, and packing sheds in San Joaquin County.
Distribution of masks will be on a first come, first serve basis. We will be handing out these masks Tuesday and Thursday, May 26th and 28th, at our Stockton location (2101 E. Earhart Ave, Stockton, CA, 95206) from 9:00am to 12:00pm and again from 1:00pm to 4:00pm or until supplies run out. Please pull into the parking lot entrance to the east of the main building and follow the parking lot to the left. We will have a one way line and a staff member to take your name, verify your business/permit name, and to hand the masks into your vehicle. There will be no need to park and exit your vehicle.
- List of PPE Suppliers (updated)
- Top 40 Industrial Distributors
- A4 Promotions flyer for in-stock PPE items
Temporarily closing the offices in Lodi and Manteca until further notice.
All essential Ag services will be available in our Stockton office at 2101 East Earhart Avenue, Suite 100 Stockton, CA 95206, stocktonag2@sjgov.org , or (209)953-6000.
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
The CFAP Call Center is available for producers who would like additional one-on-one support with the CFAP application process. Please call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a USDA employee ready to offer assistance.
Producers of all eligible commodities will apply through their local FSA office. Applications will be accepted through August 28, 2020. Simplified Summary of CFAP. We also highly encourage all producers who are listed as eligible to contact their local FSA office and set up a phone appointment. All application and materials can be found at farmers.gov/cfap
Details of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) here.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA): FMLA & Paid Sick Leave Expansion
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act will impose new federal workplace mandates, including an expansion of the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the first-ever federal Paid Sick Leave (PSL) mandate.
FFCRA is applicable to all employers with fewer than 500 employees . Questions? Please email info@fels.net or call 800-753-9073.
If you employ fewer than 500 employees and are covered by FFCRA leave requirements PRINT & POST IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ALONG WITH OTHER WORKPLACE POSTINGS . You can read more here . A covered employer must post the notice in a conspicuous place on its premises but “may satisfy this requirement by emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees, or posting this notice on an employee information internal or external website.”
Guidance for employers on implementation of expanded Family & Medical Leave Act leaves and new federal Paid Sick Leave required by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). You can read more here .
Banking & Finance
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
- Congress Extends Paycheck Protection Program
On Saturday, President Trump signed a bill that will extend the application period for the SBA’s PPP through August 8, 2020. The program, originally included in the CARES Act, was originally set to expire June 30, 2020. This extension will allow farmers and ranchers additional time to consult with their accountant, tax preparer and/or financial advisor(s) about the PPP application to ensure the proper documentation has been completed and reviewed. The SBA has reported that over $130 billion remains unexpended in the program. Additionally, the SBA has issued an interim final rule that incorporates the loan forgiveness changes of the Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act. llowing an application for loan forgiveness, instead of the current two-year deadline set by the SBA. That provision would apply to PPP loans issued after the measure is enacted, though borrowers and lenders could agree to extend current loans. The SBA also has also released a new EZ PPP loan forgiveness application form. The Flexibility Act requires SBA to create a more “borrower-friendly” application form. SBA and Treasury have also released a revised full PPP loan forgiveness application form. Again, we encourage members to consult with their accountant, tax preparer and/or financial advisor about the PPP application and loan forgiveness process to ensure all the proper documentation has been completed and reviewed. Additionally, specific application questions can be submitted directly to SBA via the SBA Customer Service Center by calling 1-800-659-2955 or emailing DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov
- Small Business Administration-Paycheck Protection Program
- Congress Extends Paycheck Protection Program
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
EIDL loans are currently available for ag cooperatives, aquaculture, nursery or a producer cooperative. You can find applications here http://www.sba.gov/page/disaster-loan-applications
Banking and Finance
On CFBF’s COVID-19 “Industry Resource” page, http://www.cfbf.com/industry-resource/ added information from CDFA’s Market Enforcement Branch for producers who have experienced cancelled contracts or have not been paid in full by vendors as a result of COVID-19.
Farm to Family – helping food banks
The ag community can help food banks at a time of great need that has resulted in a rapid increase in unemployment and a huge increase in demand on food banks.
CAFB has a dedicated staff member, Steven Linkhart, working on the Farm to Family program and has perfected its system to make contributions as convenient and streamlined as possible.
Food Banks also have some funding to pay a minimal amount to help cover harvest and packing costs of fresh product. Visit www.cafoodbanks.org to learn more about the Farm to Family program.
As part of a social media campaign, Farm Bureau is encouraging America’s farmers and ranchers to use #StillFarming on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts to demonstrate that farmers and ranchers across the country are working diligently to provide a healthy and affordable food supply.
If you have any pictures of current active harvests, packing houses in action, tractors rolling in the field, tractors on the move, cows getting milked we’d like to start pushing that out on our social media pages. You can send those pictures and any description of what is going on in the picture to staff@sjfb.org . We will also forward some to CFBF.
COVID-19 Resource Links