Educating the Next Generation

The SJFB Foundation for Agricultural Education hosts various scholarships for local students of all backgrounds studying for a career in agriculture. With selfless donations from people in our county, we are able to offer $50,000 in scholarships annually. Take a look at all of the scholarships we have below.


Educational Events

SJFB Foundation for Ag Education and the Ag Education Committee are always available for educational events and to assist in any way throughout the county. If you want to learn more about agriculture, bring agriculture into your school, or have an event that would like the agriculture perspective, please contact us, we would be honored to participate in your educational adventures.

Farm Days

Many schools throughout the county host Farm Days at their school site to help bring the farm to the students. Many farmers and ranchers come together to teach our local students about the agriculture industry and lifestyle. Farm Bureau participates in 3-6 events each year, to invite us to your next event; please contact us today.

Family Fun

Educational Resources

California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
National Agriculture in the Classroom

How to Contribute

This organization wouldn’t be able to educate so many of our county’s students and teachers without donations. Your contribution is directly linked to us educating the next generation of agriculturalists in San Joaquin. Please consider donating below: