Ag Venture

Ag Venture is a program for San Joaquin County 3rd grade students. Hosting nearly 11,000 students each year, Ag Venture opens the agriculture world to these students, teachers, and chaperones. During the three events throughout the county the students get to learn about the growing and processing of commodities, they get to see and touch farm animals, they experience farm equipment first hand, all while learning about locally grown food and nutrition.

With nearly 900 volunteers to keep this program running, Farm Bureau and the Foundation hosts the lunch at each event for those that give their time to help Ag Venture succeed. In addition, the Farm Bureau participates in the planning and coordination of this event. To learn more including the new AgVenture videos please visit their website

Upcoming Events

January  20, 2021- Stockton
March 10, 2021- Lodi
April 29, 2021- Manteca

If you would like to volunteer at one of these events, please contact the SJFB office.